.. thats forsure, thats the best part of life. you dont know what could happen at any moment of the day, but you dont want to waste your time reminesing and dreaming about what could happen. we live in LA where you neeed to make money, or your worthless. something i learned when something very unexpected happened. something i knew was going to happen had no idea that moment was the moment. i guess i had it comming sooner or later right?
i plan on having a lot of fun this weeekend ;]
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
things dont go according to plan...
.... they just FALL into place.
another lesson learned. im not going to even explain whats bout to happen in a couple weeks. ima just show you. i wanna know what everyones doiing for halloweeen ;]. whoos going to sb?? new years forsure TAO!! ahhh the good weather is backk<3 lets go!
life is tooo goood<3
another lesson learned. im not going to even explain whats bout to happen in a couple weeks. ima just show you. i wanna know what everyones doiing for halloweeen ;]. whoos going to sb?? new years forsure TAO!! ahhh the good weather is backk<3 lets go!
life is tooo goood<3
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
its no easy beezy.
to let go of something your so use tooo.
i've had to do this a couple few times in my life
but daaamn this time its touughh.
you knoow that feeeling you just gotta get use too?
.. its kinda like an empty feelin?
i've had to do this a couple few times in my life
but daaamn this time its touughh.
you knoow that feeeling you just gotta get use too?
.. its kinda like an empty feelin?
imagine investing your time, energy, and emotion (110%). to find a fail @ the end. uh wtf? i never failed anything in my life! that feelin is incredibly disapointing. everything that was said and believed as true thoughts/feelings is false. the worse part is all the memories that was made that can be reminisced on. my insecurities are LIVE. & whatever was meant to happen; im ready for, im standing my ground, fighting my battles.
you just gotta keep tellin yourself everything will fall into place, everything happens for a reason.
warning: HATERK. to my few haters, LEAVE!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
now back to reality
yay!! considering i have bad luck. i need to go out to keep my miind of this weird ass feelin i got. tooodles<3
best day of my life

tutus, make up, guhd hur, vitamin water, uggs, binkies, bomb feeez, cuute boys,real friends, good music, & so much more.
there are no words that can explain the experience that i had at Nocturnal. being in the happiest state of mind. having no stress upon my mind and just thinking about the few peoople that i really appreciate in life. its amazing, no drama and theres nothing but positive attitudes everywhere you look, unlesss the dudes throwin up. but forsure i was 100 percent happy, i havent experienced that feeling in a really long time. off top i had the best time everrr!
tutus, make up, guhd hur, vitamin water, uggs, binkies, bomb feeez, cuute boys,real friends, good music, & so much more.
there are no words that can explain the experience that i had at Nocturnal. being in the happiest state of mind. having no stress upon my mind and just thinking about the few peoople that i really appreciate in life. its amazing, no drama and theres nothing but positive attitudes everywhere you look, unlesss the dudes throwin up. but forsure i was 100 percent happy, i havent experienced that feeling in a really long time. off top i had the best time everrr!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
life is so crazy
that i dont even know where to start. the little things connects to other little things and if you think about it life does flow in a circular pattern. i feel as though im starting to get a real insight of adulthood. and as much as i wanna go back to being a kid its time to move forward and actually grow up. saying it is one thing, doing it is the hard part. nobody enjoys the fact of taking responsiblility and growing up but we all have to do it sooner or laterr right. watch out now its my time to shine.
Friday, August 14, 2009
don't think i forgot
about blogging, its just recently i haven't had the energy to get up and get into detail about anything because ive been living a few carefree months, minding my own business, like the rest of us should do. im not fond with drama and people who like to bring drama. lets keep it push`n yeah? i hope everyone else is enjoying their summer as much as i am. live it up, and its my last week so lets get it pawwwwwwwwpin. =]
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
summmer o9
by far is the best summer ever.
juhs what a needed before COLLLEGE!
so people, lets get face the facts & get over the DRAMA!! so fuck the haters & enjoy with the lovess. 4real tho, DRAMA BASHIN!.
juhs what a needed before COLLLEGE!
so people, lets get face the facts & get over the DRAMA!! so fuck the haters & enjoy with the lovess. 4real tho, DRAMA BASHIN!.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
wow, its a beeen a coooooooool ass minute since i last updated. oh my so much has been going on. & so much as happened since the last entry. i cant even explain. especially @ the moment when i recently GRADUATED highschool =] im a freaking adult now. yay! -_- i guess. finallly time is going & everything is settled and just cruising. chillin & relaxin before game time starts. HOPEFULLLy everything is working out for the better =].
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Troy Thanh Minh Lu<3
EST. 042809
Sunday, April 26, 2009
damn im major slack`n.
only 3 posts during the month of April.
SHAME on me.
well yes i've been through a lot this month and dont really have time to shit and type whats really on my mind. but everything is falling into place, time is zoooooming by like wtf? but basically just tryna make the best out of every minute that i have. i've learned how to deal with depression. & idk what id do without my babies<3

only 3 posts during the month of April.
SHAME on me.
well yes i've been through a lot this month and dont really have time to shit and type whats really on my mind. but everything is falling into place, time is zoooooming by like wtf? but basically just tryna make the best out of every minute that i have. i've learned how to deal with depression. & idk what id do without my babies<3

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
its times like this
that makes my truely happy.
i stop & think "damn, this is my family..."
i wouldnt trade the fam for anything in the world.
maybe you dont truely understand, but you really dont need too.
only myself knowing is a good enough reward.
im fuckin lucky.
i stop & think "damn, this is my family..."
i wouldnt trade the fam for anything in the world.
maybe you dont truely understand, but you really dont need too.
only myself knowing is a good enough reward.
im fuckin lucky.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
... it's FREAKING marcH?!?
damn so much has happend and they're happening so fast i lost the track of time. like its already freaking MARCH of `09?!?! and time is like flying faster & faster. theres 3 months of HIGHschool left?! are you kidddding me. unFREAKIGNbelievable. my birthday is comming up & to tell you the truth, im not that excited. im turning the big ONE EIGHT, im kinda... scared!
spring break is comming, ima save up to go shopping =]
spring break is comming, ima save up to go shopping =]
Thursday, March 19, 2009
its been a minute..
but everytime i sit down and plann to update, nothing comes to mind when im typing. but right now, im sitting here in 2nd period computer class doing nothing so im doing this to occupy myself. so lets see, weekend was chill. omg. i mean the past two days. to mee the past 2 days of testing felt like... the weekend. made a cool ass trip to the beach.
everyone mark their calenders for APRIL 7TH, jacks bout to turn 18 baby.
& to the negative things that always wants to ruin my day. FUCK it. i dont need to be worrying about anything but myself. so ima brush it off & keep it pushin.
everyone mark their calenders for APRIL 7TH, jacks bout to turn 18 baby.
& to the negative things that always wants to ruin my day. FUCK it. i dont need to be worrying about anything but myself. so ima brush it off & keep it pushin.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
its so sad how
you want to do so much,
but just cant do anything...
people lets get over the "peer pressure"
Sunday, February 22, 2009
i do not promote violence.
& i want to leave this valley so bad.
sometimes being involve isn't so GREAT.
sometimes being involve isn't so GREAT.
Friday, February 20, 2009
hello world;
*sighs, im finally @ home relaxing for a little bit before i have to run out again. the stress from this month is slowly easing away, but its still not over. you know what i realize? that sometimes it's not even worth it. it's so funny how i can bond with so many different people & understand them on some kind of level. i want too one day just turn off my phone and just do whatever the hell i want, without worrying who's calling me or who i gotta see. wouldn't that be great? pure peace ;] people can be so fake and sometimes i can just see it right through. tryna play a sista? siike my niggs. what you people don't understand is @ the end i am going to OWN! & im not a bitch, karma is. & it so happens that karma is my friend. & i find it so funny how this valley is sooo damn overated. and how everyone talks about how their on their ggrind, doing them. wtf? grow up & get over it. & what my fello kayla would say "IT IS NOT THAT SERIOUS" hahhaa. & im talking about the people that are fake about it. but uhm gooodnight world.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
as much as i hate this holiday because it only reminds us single people how SINGLE we are! whatever im not even trippin im lowkey feelin` the love. have so much to do this month, like be over! finally 3 DAY WEEKEND AGAIN. oh yes lets go. jacks OUT!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
how the last blog i wrote really really literaly HIT ME
like SUPER BAM!!
. . . now im all sore & what not
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
california weather
Omylordie. One thing I will never understand is california weather it could be so hot one and and then super cold in ten minutes. Last week was the perfect beach weather and this week is perfect snowboarding weather. Lol anyways this week has been a crazy week. Practice every single day for the damn dance concert. But I gotta admiit its so much fun with these giirls lol. I've been super exhausted and I've been working on my procrastination. I'm getting alll my ish done and it feeels great! I just cant wait til summer when ima leave this valleyy for a cool ass minute. One day I'm dreading to come is valentines day. :( oh gosh, haha fuuuckkkk vday! And I'm going to start planning my biggg ass bday bash in april, around spring break, hopefully the weather will be nice cause who the F knows, but im turning 18 babyyy!!! oh boy am i excited. But in the mean timee... I got ish too do, duces!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm so lost and confused how I feel right now. These crazy thoughts are running through my mind Its like I'm cold one moment and then quickly hot on some bi polar shit. I always wanna think back and ask what if what if, all the possibilities drive me insane. Its come to the point where I blame myself. When in reality, its not something I should do. Its come to the point where I sleep and even dream about it, but about what? Ugh that's so annoying.
Monday, January 19, 2009
when you hit rock bottom... theres nowhere to go but up
. . . have you been @ that point where everything just seems to be going wrong. and everyone around you seems to irritate you in some way? take a moment to breathe and everything will be okay. having patients is the key, time will only heal.

this weekend was one of the best weekends I've had after having a really rough month. surrounding myself with people that are able to put a smile on your face, makes me truly . . . happy, something i haven't been feeling in a while. thank god for the 3 day weekend cause the beach mission on Sunday was super BOMB, with the funnest people. standing there with my toes in the pacific ocean and the warm breeze just giving you a comfortable feeling, weird right? warm breeze @ the beach? all i have to say, it was one of the best feelings ever. for the first time in a while i felt like I was in control, and nothing else mattered. listening to Scrody talk about how beautiful everyone was nothing but laughter. [i love you Scrody!!]. all of a sudden Scrody gets naked and wants to run into the water. everyone got naked and got into the water. and after a long day of not eating, making a stop @ in n out & GRUBBIN. and of course conversating wiith my recently re-united best friend, one of the REALest person i ever met. can you say perfect?? :]

Monday, January 12, 2009
i honestly believe that the community makes this so called "life" complicated. we over exaggerate and think a little bit too much. if we accept things the way they are we wouldn't have complications, i honestly think it would decrease our "stress". it's all fake and we make this thing called "stress". like everyone wants to say "IDGAF" i dont care bullshit, but who really folllows that? like for real, sit back and relax, enjoy time while it's here.
winter break
was pretty bomb over all, i think everyone needed those 3 weeks off just to relax & do what they had to do. it fell short though didn't it? anypoo, i hope everyone had a great new years. oh yes & i might add, i got into csun. hah not that great but hey my first acceptance letter to a college was pretty exciting. ugh and today was the first day of school, the day i never wanted to come. it was alright, i just hate the whole working & waking up early kinda ish. now im just tired, i wanna nap and then do my homework. that'll be great. im off, ima update later.
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